Collectibles you've found can be seen in the Collection page. Certain collectibles change the appearance of your character when they are acquired. Below is a list of all of the collectibles, separated into categories. There are 198 different collectible items in the game. This category includes items such as coins, hearts, keys and bombs and disappear once picked up.

These are common items dropped in game and, when taken automatically confer their effect. Only one can be carried at a time (Unless the player has Mom's Purse, which allows Isaac to hold two Trinkets at once) taking another will replace the current trinket and drop the old one. Trinkets fill their own slot and are passive items that affect Isaac in unique ways. Picking up a pill or card while already carrying one causes the old one to be dropped. Each card has a unique and pre-determined effect. Tarot Cards are unidentified when dropped and immediately identified when picked up. Tarot Cards are also Q slot items, and are also one-time use. Picking up a pill or card while you already have one causes the old one to be dropped. Pills start unidentified and are identified once used, unless the player has the PHD item, which identifies pills after a short delay. At the start of the game, each type is randomly assigned an effect, which remains bound to that pill style for the remainder of that game.

There are a number of different pill styles and effects. These go into your Q slot and are one-time-use items. Collectible items can be obtained in a variety of ways and most are unique in that, once appearing in game, they will never appear again during that session. These cannot be removed and are individually counted on the collection screen. These Items, when picked up, add a permanent effect to Isaac. Most activated items can only appear once per game with few exceptions, so leaving behind an activated item is typically a permanent choice. An activated item can be used by pressing space, and unlike a pill or card, activated items recharge over time and can be reused when ready.